27Apr, 2023

E-commerce Directors, what's the next step in your career?


Our E-Commerce recruitment specialist, Adrian Ramani, is hosting a seminar and breakfast on the 27th April. His expert panel will be sharing their insights on where your E-commerce career can take you next.


Adrian Ramani


Guest Speakers

Julie Austin

Chief Digital Office Wunderman (Everymile)

Martin Francis

Digital Transformational Director

Rob Worthington

Customer Director at Anthropologie Europe

About this event

Jack of all trades… doesn’t sound like a compliment, does it?

Apparently, it was intended to be! Story has it a guy called Shakespeare was cutting his teeth around the theatres being great at everything, helping out on set, with costumes and remembering lines. The full phrase being “a jack of trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”

A Director of E-commerce is very often referred to as a jack of all trades, usually quietly, given the negative association.

Those in senior e-commerce positions come in many shapes and sizes, often excelling in many different functions. They have to, in order to be successful. It’s why we call them mini-CEOs.


However, this has led to no real 'career blueprint' once they punch the c-suite level. Is it CDO? CMO? CCO? GM? The list goes on.

So, what do the brands and experts themselves need to consider?


Our panel of experienced Ecom professionals have all the battlescars and a range of career paths to unpack.


We’ll be exploring a range of topics, including: 
  • Which career path should an E-commerce Director take next? – CMO, CDO, GM, CCO, CGO, Consulting … the endless options. 
  • Advice for senior E-commerce experts seeking their next move
  • Sectors & Diversity: the impact on E-commerce leadership roles.
  • What are the key skills and experiences brands will be looking for when looking to hire in the future? 
  • What type of digital c-suite should brands hire, and do the titles matter?
  • How do brands avoid hiring the wrong E-com-Frankenstein team structure, starting with c-suite role?



Julie Austin  - Chief Digital Officer Wunderman (Everymile)


Martin Francis  - Digital Transformational Director

Rob Worthington -  Customer Director at Anthropologie Europe


East Courtyard at Soho Lofts, 180 the Strand, WC2R 1EA


Thursday 27th April, 8am - 11am


Date and time

Thu 27 Apr, 2023
08:00 am


East Courtyard at Soho Lofts, 180 the Strand, WC2R 1EA

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