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This event has now taken place. If you missed out, read the key takeaways now available.
Associate, Patrick Murray, is excited to invite you to his seminar event discussing how to navigate Amazon Vendor Negotiations in 2024.
This is often the hardest part of the Amazon relationship. To help you prepare for the new year, we have enlisted three leaders in the ecommerce and Amazon space to share their process and guide to navigating AVS. Hear from:
If you have any questions that you'd like answering, be sure to reach out to Patrick at patrick@3search.co.uk.
Where: The Glassblower, 40-42 Glasshouse St, Piccadilly Circus, London W1B 5JY
When: Tuesday, 12th December, 2023, 3pm - 7pm (3:30 - 5pm - panel discussion, 5 - 7pm for drinks and networking)
The Glassblower, 40-42 Glasshouse Street, London, W1B 5JY