Savoir Beds

Savior Beds is a global, luxury furniture company, handmaking mattresses in the UK with the finest materials and skilled craftsmanship. Their beds were first created for The Savoy Hotel in 1905 and now they have 15 Savoir showrooms around the world, from London to New York, Paris to Shanghai.

Our work with Savoir Beds

We first started working with Savoir Beds in 2021 when their Marketing Director needed specialist digital marketing recruitment support. So far, we have hired 2 digital marketing jobs into the business...

  • Digital Marketing Executive
  • CRM Manager

Helping Savoir Beds invest further in digital marketing

Established in 1905, Savoir Beds have always been a very traditional company. Previously, their marketing was focused on traditional channels, utilising their show rooms for in-person marketing touchpoints.  

In recent years, Savoir Beds adopted a digital focus. Once their digital strategy was established, Marketing Director, Sarah Frederickson, started searching for dedicated digital resource. This started with hiring for a Digital Marketing Executive job. Sarah got in touch with our consumer marketing recruitment Director, Liz Hopkins, for support in their talent search. Liz’s team of specialist recruiters were able to quickly find an excellent candidate for the role. 

Making their first CRM hire 

More recently, CRM specialist recruiter, Suzannah Teggart, supported Savoir Beds with their first CRM hire. As the business was investing in this skill set for the first time, they needed someone who was experienced in the area and would be able to build the function from the ground up. 

Suzannah ran an efficient recruitment process for the CRM Manager job. She was briefed on the role on the 13th of May 2022, met the preferred candidate on the 20th of May and the successful candidate accepted the role less than 2 weeks later, on the 1st of June. The best recruitment experience for both employer and candidate. 

A year on, they are really happy in their role and enjoying their work as the CRM Manager. They have successfully set up the CRM function and continuing to scale. 

Candidate Thought Count: 0


The digital marketing team at Savoir Beds is excelling and we hope to continue supporting their growth in the future.

We can do the same for you! Start working with the best digital and marketing recruitment agency by uploading your vacancy.

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