Yasmin Vachet


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  • Date Joined 11/03/2023 15:55:20
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Hi, my name is Yasmin Vachet, and I am an Associate at 3Search covering everything digital, UX/UI and product design recruitment.

I have been working in digital design recruitment since 2013, where I have largely focussed on digital design roles in ecommerce. In this time, I have built a very deep knowledge and network in the digital design skill set.

Following seven years at an ecommerce recruitment agency and three years running my own venture, I have joined the ecommerce recruitment team at 3Search. Now, I'm excited to grow this new proposition for the 3Search team, supported by other talented specialists and re-focussing on the area that I love – digital design.

Some examples of the job titles I recruit for include:

I’ve seen a wide range of different titles used in design recruitment over the years. Everyone defines roles differently in their business, so it’s likely that we can support you with your hiring needs even if the role isn’t listed here. If you’re in doubt please ask and we can discuss your requirements in more detail.

As part of 3Search, I'm incredibly excited to continue working with businesses across the retail, travel, technology and business services sectors.

“What I love about recruitment is the exponential impact we can have on people’s lives.”

Finding someone the perfect role doesn’t only change their lives, it changes their families’ lives and their futures. The ripple effect of making someone happier in their work is pretty powerful.

If you’re currently looking to hire, I would recommend being very specific around the digital design skill set you’re looking for. Whilst it’s common to ask designers to complete a task during the interview process, these need to be tailored to the role and not “free consultancy” disguised as a decision-making tool. If you’re clear on the type of hire that you’re looking for, a portfolio could even be sufficient to make the judgement.

If you do need to set a task, I would recommend being mindful of the amount of time you’re asking potential candidates to dedicate. Remember, the work they’re doing is unpaid and has to fit around their current role.

Similarly, if you’re a designer, make sure that you keep your portfolio up to date. This will make it easier to apply for roles whenever they appear. I've spoken to a lot of designers who have missed out on excellent opportunities because they needed time to update their portfolio with their latest work. Please don’t let that be you!

If you’re searching for your next role or looking to grow your digital design team, reach out! I'd love to support you.

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