Charlotte Titmuss


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  • Date Joined 08/24/2022 13:45:39
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Hi, my name is Charlotte Titmuss and I manage the property and professional services team here at 3Search.

We partner with a range of businesses within the industry, from boutique developers all the way up to the Big Four. Personally, I specialise in recruiting for senior marketing roles.

I love what I do because I have always had a personal interest in property. 

Being able to work with iconic London developments and growing businesses that are changing the face of retail, is a real privilege and super interesting to me. Having the opportunity to transform some of these iconic companies is really rewarding.

Working in the professional services industry is equally rewarding. 

3Search’s co-founders, Charlie and Andy, were professional services recruiters so it's exciting to be able to leverage our previous relationships and continue the work that they started. Professional services recruitment is the engine room of 3Search, really, so it’s a great opportunity to be able to build out that team.

“I have been entrenched in the business since day one. I feel like I have grown up at 3Search.”

Having joined the business during their first intake of graduates, I have been entrenched in the business since day one. In that time, I have developed my expertise in the property and professional services industries, placing candidates into a wide range of roles.

If you’re looking for a new role, I would always recommend applying through a recruiter. When you go through us, your CV won’t get lost amongst the crowd. If you’re included in our shortlist, you’re almost guaranteed an interview. Employers trust us.

If you’re hiring at the moment, it’s important to understand that salaries have increased. We are seeing for the first time ever an actual shift in salaries. And not only are candidates aware of this, but they’ve also seen their colleagues hand their notices in and get ridiculous counteroffers. 

Now sure what you should be offering? Get in touch with a recruiter. We can give you more information.

Looking to grow your marketing team in the professional services and property space? Get in touch, I'd love to chat more.

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