Sarah Perry

Principal Consultant

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  • Date Joined 04/14/2023 06:52:35
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Hi, my name is Sarah Perry, and I am a Principal Consultant at 3Search. 

I specialise in all things content, social media and SEO recruitment. The types of content jobs I typically recruit for range from executives to managers to heads of departments and VPs. Other examples include:  

  • Copywriters
  • Content Strategists 
  • Content Editors 
  • Content Producers 
  • Social Media Managers
  • Heads of Social
  • Influencer Marketing Managers
  • Social Strategists

I have a strong background in recruiting for B2B companies, however I love that at 3Search I have the opportunity to expand my expertise to both B2B and B2C companies - no day is the same. The companies I work with span across a wide variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from start-ups to large global organisations. 

A huge reason I love what I do is because I am a big people person. I love communicating, helping, and supporting people with their next role. Providing individuals with the opportunity to have better jobs that will bring them happiness and bring them another step closer to achieving their career goals is such a satisfying prospect to me.  


“Nurturing people is something that comes naturally to me, I love being that person to offer support and give advice, which I get to do a lot in my day-to-day life.” 


A piece of advice that I share with my candidates is that it’s always a good thing to be a specialist at something, no matter what that ‘thing’ is. Try not to spread yourself too thinly. Why not learn about a new market and learn it well? If you learn a skill and continue to develop that throughout your career, you will always have that base experience to build on in the future. It’s never going to disappear or become irrelevant later on.  

Something else I always tell my candidates is to think about how you can stand out from the crowd. This may sound obvious, but there are too many individuals who don’t sell themselves as much as they possibly can. Something that’s especially important in such a competitive and buoyant market. It’s also imperative to make sure you do your due diligence on whatever company you are looking to join – don’t just rock up to the interview unprepared and hope for the best!  

I have specialised in social media and content jobs for 5 years now so a key insight I would tell any employer looking to hire in this area is to just remember that we are here to help you! I have built a strong network, so I can offer you deep insight into where the top people are, what they’re looking for and how you can engage them. I have supported numerous exciting businesses with team hires, as well as individual hires, so can offer that varied perspective on making the best decisions to match your company’s needs.  

Offering support, giving references, and providing hiring advice is something that I love doing, so don’t be afraid to reach out for support on your social media and content jobs. 

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