Patrick Murray


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  • Date Joined 02/02/2023 16:30:30
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Hi, my name is Patrick Murray and I’m a Partner at 3Search in the Ecommerce recruitment team. 

 I work with start-ups through to global businesses, specialising in all marketplace and Amazon specialist roles from junior all the way through to director-level.  

"I love working in recruitment because I really like working with people. I think people are just great, and by definition if you’re improving someone’s career and work life then you’re positively impacting their life – how cool is that?"

I pride myself on getting to know candidates and clients on a professional and personal level to make sure both parties are getting the most out of the process and the journey! I pride myself on delivering a thorough, informed, fast and fun recruitment process for all involved – which does mean you’ll hear some great jokes along the way, as well as some naff ones. 

I have worked in ecommerce recruitment since 2020 (and recruitment since 2013), have placed well over 100 people in the industry and absolutely love it. The ecommerce market is so interesting because it’s so accessible as a consumer. Wherever you are you can always be interacting with the ecommerce world – I mean how many of us shop on our phones on the train, or laptops at work…. Uh oh. Ecommerce has already evolved and accelerated loads in it’s relative infancy, and that evolution will continue to speed up as consumer behaviours change. Being able to be immersed in an industry which needs to constantly adapt is super exciting.

A piece of advice I’d give to candidates right now and beyond would be, that as e-commerce is a data-led and revenue-focussed function, make sure you’re gearing your CV and interview answers to reflect this and go big on your achievements in terms of: 

  • The achievement your most proud
  • Digital sales channels (e.g. D2C, Marketplaces and Amazon) you’re responsible for now, and new sales you’ve opened during your tenure. Were these in the UK or global?
  • Revenue AND profit growth you’ve delivered against target – talk in terms of both £s and %s (within reason)
  • Make sure you provide as much detail (data) and context as possible to provide the full picture – you’ll surprise yourself with how much great stuff you’ve done and delivered!   

 Employers, on the other hand, need to keep in mind that e-commerce is still a relatively new skillset. However, demand hasn’t just increased during the past two years, it’s gone berserk!! It’s clear the supply of e-commerce talent hasn’t caught up with demand. To stand out from the crowd, candidate experience is very important. Think about how you’re standing out from the market, what’s your point of difference and value proposition to candidates and how you’re treating and communicating with candidates through the process. Equally, it will also be important to benchmark your salaries more regularly. A salary from 2 years ago, to put it candidly, will not get you anywhere near the same talent now. 

  A second tip for clients would be to get the speed of the process right and communicate this at the start of the process – booking interviews in your diary at point of briefing. It’s important not to rush interviews and decisions, of course, but it’s equally important to move quickly in order to secure top talent, otherwise someone else will!

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