Jordan Pye

Senior Recruitment Consultant

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  • Date Joined 09/05/2024 15:27:54
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Hi, my name is Jordan Pye and I’m a Senior Recruitment Consultant at 3Search. 

I support agencies across the UK and North America in their search for top design talent across a variety of Design and Creative roles, including: 

  • User Research 
  • UX & UI Design 
  • Product Design 
  • Service Design 
  • Content Design/UX Writing 
  • Creative Lead / Head of Roles  

Having specialised in the sector since 2018, I have built an extensive network of talented designers searching for their next opportunities. Design is a sector where there are always interesting projects going on. This means I enjoy learning about everyone I speak too and their career and goals.  

I love what I do because every day is different in recruitment. Being able to solve people’s talent challenges is truly rewarding, whether it’s supporting someone into their dream role or finding that excellent candidate. 

If you’re hiring in the current market, it’s important to be aware that candidates are starting to come off the market more frequently. I'd recommend streamlining any interview processes, so you can offer your preferred candidates before they’re snapped up. 

Struggling to attract applicants? I would recommend reviewing your employee value proposition (EVP) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. Candidates are increasingly prioritising agencies that are making a lasting and meaningful impact in society. 

If you want to find out more about recruiting designers into your agency, please get in touch!

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