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Whether it’s a new year, or you’re simply looking for a fresh start – updating your CV befor...
Whether it’s a new year, or you’re simply looking for a fresh start – updating your CV before a job search is always a good idea.
Here are our top tips for making sure that your CV is refreshed, updated and in the best shape possible to send to recruiters.
Our recruiters highly recommend that you include a list of keywords nearer the top of your CV in a Key Skills section. This ensures your CV is recruiter-friendly so they don’t need to go hunting for the skills and qualifications that they’re looking for. Tailor this section to the role you’re applying for.
Another top tip from our recruiters is to tailor your CV to the business you’re applying for if you know who it is. Research their values and what they look for in their employees. Demonstrate how these align with your own beliefs in a Profile about yourself and your career path at the start of your CV.
This is a great way to show that you’re a good fit for the company’s culture and shows off your interest in the role!
To read more of our recruiters’ top tips, check out our last blog ‘2020: A YEAR IN REVIEW FOR RECRUITMENT’
Including powerful words that will grab readers’ attention is super important and should not be underestimated.
Cut out lengthy phrases that have a low impact (such as “Duties included…”) and replace with short and powerful verbs. For example:
• Attained
• Awarded
• Showcased
• Negotiated
• Advised
• Advocated
• Transformed
• Pursued
This does not only make your CV easier to read, but also emphasises the role you played in your previous companies. An effective way to show off what you've achieved in your career so far and the skills you would bring to the company you’re applying for.
Always speak to achievement, not just activity.
If you check only one thing on your CV before submission, make sure it’s your dates and times.
Start of a new year or month? Update any durations that you’ve included. This attention to detail is needed or you risk showing yourself in a bad light.
The same applies to your LinkedIn profile. Make sure the dates on your profile match up with what you’ve included on your CV. Recruiters will always take a look at LinkedIn accounts nowadays for more information. It’s important not to confuse anyone.
Skills, jobs and achievements that helped you get your current job are likely to be irrelevant in your new job search.
Add on your most recent role and ensure all of your job descriptions are relevant to the current market. Research what employers are looking for and add buzzwords and key phrases from the job description into your CV and cover letter.
We also recommend you remove irrelevant details, such as:
• Your full address
• A photo of yourself
• The phrase “References available upon request”
By removing these details, you’ll have a cleaner, simpler layout.
To further improve this, you should bullet point your information. Recruiters are busy people and don’t have time to read through lengthy paragraphs.
Many think that the more bright, bold and colourful your CV is the better, but this isn’t always the case. If you’re applying through a recruitment agency, they’re likely to ask you to re-format your CV anyway.
Don’t waste your time on appearances. Focus on the content.
There you have it! For more CV and applications tips, follow our LinkedIn page for weekly updates. And if you’re CV is ready, submit it to us here: Register With Us
Plus, keep an eye on our website and LinkedIn for new job opportunities as we get them. We’re always adding new roles. Don’t miss out!
3Search is an award-winning UK recruitment consultancy, specialising in marketing, strategy & transformation, and tech positions. Whether you’re seeking new talent or looking for your next career move, we can help. Learn more at www.3search.co.uk